Welcome to the Tinysites Community.
We're excited to invite you to join our community forum for discussing websites and helping others with questions. This forum is for everyone interested in creating websites and learning about Tinysites.
Before posting: We request that you take a minute of your time to read the community standards. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please let a moderator know. We’re happy to help.
Community standards: Generally speaking, as long as you follow the core principles listed below, you won't be subject to disciplinary action:
- Respect others: Treat everyone on the forum with respect, regardless of their opinions.
- Freedom of expression: Encourage the free exchange of ideas and opinions.
- Constructive conversations: Engage in conversations in a constructive and respectful manner.
- No illegal content: Do not post any content that is illegal or promotes illegal activities.
- No spam or self-promotion: Avoid posting excessive amounts of self-promotional content or spam.
- Privacy and personal information: Respect the privacy of others and do not share any personal or sensitive information without their consent.
Please contact a moderator if you see any issues.
This forum is hosted on both discuss.tinysites.com/ and discuss.tinysites/ (HNS)