Creating content for your target audience is in fact one of the preferred methods for reaching the public to be hit and generating useful conversions. In fact, even the purchasing processes of B2B buyers have changed profoundly today: they too carry out online research before contacting agents, consultants or retailers and 62% say they select their suppliers based on the digital content they produce ( data from Forrester research ). Therefore, they too, as often happens in B2C, start by gathering information online to form their purchasing preferences.
again according to data from the afghanistan telegram data Observatory, 76% of Italian companies do not have an online sales platform, but that segment of companies that are instead investing with determination in the digitalization of their processes is increasingly large and destined to grow rapidly.
Falling behind today in the race to digital is one of the most dangerous mistakes an entrepreneur can make , as demonstrated by the recent health crisis and subsequent digital acceleration: one of our missions is to support this path with professionalism, facilitating it and making it fluid and accessible.